Book Review

The book for sure appears to have been written keeping law students in mind. It actually gives you a classroom feel. It is this which also makes this Book every special. For a large number of practitioners of law of older generation, be it Judges and advocates, the subject still remains an unfamiliar territory. They could not have read it in the Law Colleges as this subject was not in existence and now they cannot do without it, as it is an integral part of our day to day lives and also of litigations in Courts. Therefore, the Book also gives them an opportunity to learn the subject from its basics.   

One can find in the Chapters gradual building up of the subject beginning from the concept followed by commentary on the different provisions of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and on the way explaining certain unfamiliar terms sometimes with the help of illustrations, flow diagrams, comparative charts and case laws.

Book covers the entire Information Technology Act section-wise but is not confined to it; wherever necessary it travels beyond the section to put the subject in perspective. Like, Section 67 providing for punishment for publishing material depicting children in explicit acts, considering the importance of the subject from the society’s  point of view and of Courts, has been elevated to the level of ‘Combating Child Obscenity’ by including various International Convention and Indian legislations. It further touches the issue of personal jurisdiction in cyber issues, an issue of great importance form the point view of day to day litigations in Courts. That is not all, it goes on discuss the issue of ‘taxing e- commerce’ and pointing out how India is losing on taxes in the absence of taxation guidelines on software downloads in India.

I, however, miss pictures/caricatures in the book which would have made book livelier for those new to the subject. Addition of a few diagrams would have explained the concept of like email, working internet etc much better. A glossary of the technical terms at the end would have been also of great help to the readers.     

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Book Title Edition Author ISBN Publisher Pages Price
Information Technology Law and Practice, Law and Emerging Technology, Cyber Law & E- Commerce Forth - 2015 Vakul Sharma & Seema Sharma, Advocates Supreme Court of India 978-93-5035-527-5 Universal Law Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd. 562 ₹495/-